Recipe to align reads
Revision as of 23:54, 17 October 2013 by Thomas Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This recipe will help you align reads to a reference genome. This is merely an example of one possible protocol with one alignemnt program. There are many more available. You...")
This recipe will help you align reads to a reference genome. This is merely an example of one possible protocol with one alignemnt program. There are many more available.
You need:
- a reference genome in FASTA format (reference.fasta)
- read data in FASTQ format (reads_1.fastq and reads_2.fastq)
- recent version of BWA (a short read aligner).
At the time of writing the most recent version of BWA is 0.7.5a
Step by step instructions
These instructions need to be run in a terminal. To the best of our knowledge, BWA is only available for Unix based platforms like OS X and Linux.
Build BWA index for the reference
bwa index reference.fasta
Align reads to the reference genome
bwa mem reference.fasta reads_1.fastq reads_2.fastq > alignment.sam
Reads_1.fastq and reads_2.fastq indicate the two files that have the first and second read in a pair. If you data is not paired end sequencing the latter command would look like this:
bwa mem reference.fasta reads.fastq > alignment.sam
You can visit the BWA webpage for more information and options